COVID-19 Vaccine Allergy Testing

NGPG Allergy & Asthma is now offering a new medical evaluation to help address any concerns you might have about an allergy or adverse reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine. If you are concerned that vaccine components may cause an allergic reaction, please contact one of our office locations today.

Consider being evaluated if:

  • You have had previous serious reactions to vaccines
  • You think you may be allergic to certain vaccine components
  • You have had or possibly have had a reaction to polysorbate or polyethylene glycol (PEG)
  • You have a history of anaphylaxis in other situations and are concerned about getting the COVID vaccine


If I have any allergies or asthma do I need to be evaluated?

If you have not had a previous allergic reaction to a vaccine, and if you do not meet one of the criteria above, you likely do not need to be evaluated. 

If I carry an epi pen do I need to be evaluated?

If you carry an EpiPen because you meet any of the criteria listed above, contact our offices. However, if you carry an EpiPen for other types of allergic reactions, you likely do not need additional testing before receiving the vaccine.

If I am anxious about getting the vaccine can I be evaluated?

Yes, if you have concerns that might otherwise prevent you from getting the vaccine, we can see you and evaluate your situation to consider whether testing may be helpful

If I have had a reaction to any vaccine do I need to be evaluated?

Yes, if you have had a serious reaction to previous vaccines, beyond just local swelling, then you likely need to be evaluated

Contact Us

We offer testing at our office locations in Gainesville and Braselton. Please call one of these offices to discuss allergy testing for the COVID-19 vaccine.