Pelvic Health Treatments & Procedures

NGPG is dedicated to diagnosing and providing specialized treatment options to women of all ages suffering from a pelvic health disorder.

We offer compassionate and specialized care for women suffering from pelvic health or chronic pelvic pain disorders. Learn more about the conditions we treat at NGPG OBGYN.

Treatments & Procedures

Below is a list of common pelvic health treatments and procedures offered by NGPG physicians:


A hysterectomy is surgery to remove the uterus. This procedure is usually performed because a condition such as fibroids, endometriosis, pelvic prolapse, abnormal bleeding, chronic pain or gynecologic cancer. Hysterectomy eliminates the possibility of menstruation and pregnancy. Based on individual needs, hysterectomy can be performed vaginally, laparoscopically or via laparotomy.

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Vaginal Apex Suspension

This procedure is to help remedy any kind of pelvic prolapse. The vault suspension reinforces the supportive structures within your vagina and keeps your organs in place.

Learn about Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Anterior Colporrhaphy

Anterior Colporrhaphy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that repairs and strengthens the front vaginal wall, such as a prolapsed bladder (cystocele).

Rectocele Repair (Posterior Wall Repair)

This surgery repairs damaged tissue and restores the rectum and posterior vaginal wall to its normal position.

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Perineoplasty is a plastic surgery used to repair the perineum (area of tissue between the vagina and the rectum) for women who have experienced tearing and scarring of the perineal tissue.

Learn about Perineal Body Repair


Sling procedures are types of surgeries that help control stress urinary incontinence. The procedure helps to support your urethra and bladder neck. The surgeon uses tissue or synthetic material to re-support the middle portion of the urethra and prevent urinary leakage.

Learn about the Mid-Urethral Sling for Stress Incontinence

Laparoscopic Resection of Endometriosis

This procedure refers to the minimally invasive surgical removal of surgical removal of endometriosis implants on pelvic organs. It effectively reduces pain during menses and sexual intercourse while preserving the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes.

Vaginal Mesh

The use of vaginal mesh to repair prolapse is no longer approved or recommend by the FDA.

Anterior Vaginal Repair

Anterior vaginal repair surgery is a procedure that is performed to tighten the front wall of the vagina. The procedure is used to alleviate symptoms associated with vaginal prolapse as well as to improve bladder function, without sacrificing sexual function.

Bladder Diary

A bladder diary is a chart where patients record the amount of fluid they drink as well as when they urinate. The simple test can help you, and your doctor understand if you have a sudden need to urinate that can’t be delayed. The data will enable your doctor to develop a customized treatment plan and monitor your progress.

Bladder Training

Bladder training is a treatment for urinary incontinence. The goal of therapy is to increase the amount of time you need between urinating as well as increase the amount of fluid the bladder can hold.

Botulinum for overactive bladder and neurogenic detrusor overactivity

Botox is a treatment for urinary incontinence that is caused by neurological conditions or in women who have overactive bladder without a known cause.


Colpocleisis is a surgery used to treat pelvic organ prolapse in women. Your urogynecological surgeon will support the uterus by sewing the front and back walls of the vagina to shorten the vaginal canal.

Colposuspension for stress incontinence

A colposuspension is a procedure used to treat stress incontinence. Your doctor will make an incision across the abdomen and stitch inside the pelvis. The stitches support the bladder to prevent urine leakage.

Continence Pads and Perineal Care

Continence pads are designed to absorb any urine that unexpectedly leaks from the bladder.


A cystoscopy is a urogynecological procedure where your doctor can examine the lining of the bladder. It is used to find any abnormalities in the bladder or the lining of the bladder.

Fascial Slings

A fascial sling is a procedure used to treat stress urinary incontinence in women. A fascial sling is made from a patient’s fascia, a layer of connective tissue obtained from the patient’s thigh or abdomen. Your doctor will take a small strip of fascia and place it under the urethra. This procedure will reduce urine leakage and support the bladder.

Intermittent Self Catheterization

Intermittent self-catheterization is performed to fix bladders that do not entirely empty. The procedure involves passing a catheter into the bladder to empty it. Catheterization may be necessary after surgery to help a person relieve urine for people who have swelling, mobility problems, or pain.


A labiaplasty is a surgical procedure used to improve the appearance of the labia or to reconstruct the labia. A woman may need a labiaplasty due to functional issues, psychosocial reasons, congenital anomalies, or to enhance the appearance of the labia after sex-change surgery.

Low-dose vaginal estrogen therapy

Vaginal estrogen therapy involves applying low dose estrogen directly to the vagina. The goal of treatment is to normalize the acidity in the skin and make the vagina lining better lubricated and thicker. The doses needed to treat locally are lower than those needed to treat systemically (via tablet or patches).

Mid-urethral sling for stress incontinence

A mid-urethral sling is a procedure designed to help women who suffer from stress incontinence. The procedure involves placing a sling between the middle of the urethra and the vagina skin. The goal of the procedure is to support the urethra and stop urine from leaking.

Pelvic floor exercises

Pelvic floor exercises strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, including the bladder and vagina. The exercises can help stop incontinence and treat prolapse, and help make sex more pleasurable.

Percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation (PTNS)

PTNS is an outpatient procedure used to treat bladder and bowel issues such as overactive bladder, urgency, urge incontinence, nocturia, non-obstructive voiding, and fecal incontinence.

Sacral Neuromodulation

Sacral neuromodulation is a procedure that is used to treat women with chronic urinary retention and overactive bladder who are not getting symptom relief from medication or physiotherapy. The goal of sacral neuromodulation is to alter the function of the sacral nerves that control the bladder and muscles in charge of urinary function.


A sacrocolpopexy is a treatment for prolapse at the top of the vagina in women who have undergone a hysterectomy. The goal of the procedure is to restore the vagina to the normal position and function. It works by using mild electrical pulses to stimulate the nerves that control the bladder function. The brain and nerves communicate better so the bladder can function properly.

Sacrospinous fixation

A sacrospinous fixation is a procedure performed to reinforce the uterus or the top of the vagina (in a woman who had a hysterectomy). During the procedure, stitches are placed into the sacrospinous ligament in the pelvis as well as the cervix or top of the vagina. Over time, scar tissue will form to support the vagina or uterus.

Transperineal pelvic floor ultrasound scan

A transperineal pelvic floor ultrasound scan can take images of the pelvic floor organs such as the bladder, urethra, vagina, cervix, uterus, perineum, anal canal and pelvic floor muscles.

Urethral bulking

Urethral bulking is used to reduce leakage in women who have stress urinary incontinence. During the procedure, your doctor will inject a bulking agent around the urethra. Your doctor may use collagen or water-based gels.


Urodynamics is a group of tests that examine how a person’s bladder functions. Cystometry is the main urodynamics test. Cystometry measures the bladder’s ability to store or pass urine.

Uterine preservation surgery for prolapse

Patients who do not have a hysterectomy to treat pelvic organ prolapse can be treated with a variety of other surgeries including:

  • Sacrohysteropexy
  • Vaginal sacrospinous hysteropexy
  • Uterosacral ligament suspension

Uterosacral ligament suspension

A uterosacral ligament suspension is a procedure performed to support the uterus or top of the vagina (in a woman who had a hysterectomy). The procedure involves stitching the uterosacral ligaments to the top of the vagina. The goal is to restore the support at the top of the vagina. Your doctor will determine if you are a candidate for vaginal, abdominal, or laparoscopic surgery.

Vaginal pessary for pelvic organ prolapse

A vaginal pessary is a soft, removable device inserted into the vagina that supports areas impacted by pelvic organ prolapse. It can be used to treat stress incontinence as well.

Get Started

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